Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Don't you just love a good surprise? My phone rang yesterday about 1pm and my inlaws, Ooma & Pop, were headed our way from a vacation trip to Charleston, SC. They arrived about 8 pm and we enjoyed a quick visit, some late night cherry cobbler, and a big breakfast, before they hit the road again, headed home to Kentucky. It was a real treat.

Today is Will's 20th birthday. Hard to believe, but yep, he's 20. He's probably getting a message about right now to stop by student services and pick up a surprise package. Yep, chocolate/chocolate cake. Don't you just love a good surprise?

We'll gather this weekend in Arkansas for a bit more celebrating and a ride on Mamaw's party boat. I'm told its back on the water again. They had a stranding episode last week or so, never dull. Life is just full of surprises.


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